Some Business Research

"Applying 'Comply-or-Explain': Conformance with Codes of Corporate Governance in the UK and Germany " David Seidl, Paul Sanderson , John Roberts
June 2009: WP389 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How a Social Capital Approach can help Multinationals show Ethical Leadership " Peter Heslam, Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt
June 2009: WP388 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Law, Finance and Development Further Analyses of Longitudinal Data " Prabirjit Sarkar, Ajit Singh
June 2009: WP387 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Networks of Learning within the English Wine Industry: Communitarian, Distanciated, Organisational, and Redundant " Simon Turner
June 2009: WP386 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"A Third Way: Regional Restructuring and the Societas Europaea " Jodie A. Kirshner
June 2009: WP385 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"An Augmented UK Private Expenditure Function " Bill Martin
March 2009: WP384 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Horse, Cow, Sheep, or 'Thing-In-Itself'? The Cognitive Origins of Corporate Governance in Switzerland, Germany, and the US, 1910s-1930s " M. Lüpold, Gerhard Schnyder
March 2009: WP383 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How Do Legal Rules Evolve? Evidence from a cross-country Comparison of Shareholder, Creditor and Worker Protection " John Armour , Simon Deakin , Priya Lele, Mathias Siems
March 2009: WP382 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder, Creditor and Worker Protection: Time Series Evidence about the Differences between French, German, Idian, UK and US Law " Mathias Siems
March 2009: WP381 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"New Business Formation: An Important Element of Ireland's Rapid Growth Experience? " Michael Anyadike-Danes, Helena Lenihan, Mike Hart
March 2009: WP380 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Better to be rough and relevant than to be precise and irrelevant. Reddaway's Legacy to Economics " Ajit Singh
December 2008: WP379 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Does fast Growth in India and China harm U.S. Workers? Insights from Simulation Evidence " Alex Izurieta, Ajit Singh
December 2008: WP378 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Stock Markets in Low and Middle Income Countries " Ajit Singh
December 2008: WP377 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Past, Present and Future of Industrial Policy in India: Adapting to the Changing Domestic and International Environment " Ajit Singh
December 2008: WP376 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Do the English Legal Origin Countries have more dispersed Share Ownership and more developed financial Systems? " Prabirjit Sarkar
December 2008: WP375 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright? Industrial Policy Lessons from Ireland and East Asia for Small African Economies " David Bailey, Helena Lenihan, Ajit Singh
December 2008: WP374 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Evolution of the Corporation: Organization, Finance, Knowledge and Corporate Social Responsibility " Peer Zumbansen
December 2008: WP373 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Revisiting the Party Paradox of Finance Capitalism: Evidence from Switzerland, Sweden and the Netherlands " Gerhard Schnyder
December 2008: WP372 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Reflexive Properties of Corporate Governance Codes: The Reception of the 'Comply or Explain' Approach in Slovenia " Nina Cankar, Simon Deakin , Marko Simoneti
September 2008: WP371 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Does Social Democracy Matter? Corporate Governance Reforms in Switzerland and Sweden (1980-2005) " Gerhard Schnyder
September 2008: WP370 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Legal Origin, Juridical Form and Industrialisation in Historical Perspective: The Case of the Employment Contract and the Joint-Stock Company " Simon Deakin
June 2008: WP369 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Governance Processes, Employee Voice and Performance Outcomes in the Construction of Heathrow Terminal 5 " Simon Deakin , Aristea Koukiadaki
June 2008: WP368 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of Labour Law Systems: A theoretical Reappraisal and Analysis of New Time Series Data " Simon Deakin , Prabirjit Sarkar
June 2008: WP367 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Influence of Stock Market Listing on Human Resource Managment: Evidence for France and Britain " Neil Conway, Simon Deakin , Sue Konzelmann , Héloïse Petit, Antoine Rebérioux, Frank Wilkinson
June 2008: WP366 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Stock Market, the Market for Corporate Control and the Theory of the Firm: Legal and Economic Perspectives and Implications for Public Policy " Simon deakin, Ajit Singh
June 2008: WP365 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Regulatory Competition in Europe after Laval " Simon Deakin
June 2008: WP364 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Takeovers after "Takeovers" " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes
June 2008: WP363 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Law and Economics Debate about Secured Lending: Lessons for European LawMaking? " John Armour
March 2008: WP362 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Law, Finance, and Politics: The Case of India " John Armour , Priya Lele
March 2008: WP361 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"No 'Third Way' for Economic Organizations? Networks and Quasi-Markets in Broadcasting " Simon Deakin , Ana Lourenço, Stephen Pratten
March 2008: WP360 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder Protection around the World ("Leximetric II") " Mathias Siems
December 2007: WP359 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development: An Empirical Test of the Legal Origins Hypothesis " John Armour , Simon Deakin , Prabirjit Sarkar, Mathias Siems , Ajit Singh
December 2007: WP358 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"UK Corporate Governance and Takeover Performance " Andy Cosh , Paul Guest, Alan Hughes
December 2007: WP357 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Resurrecting the UK Historic Sector National Accounts " Bill Martin
December 2007: WP356 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate Governance and Employment Relations " Sue Konzelmann , Frank Wilkinson , Neil Conway
December 2007: WP355 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Executive Pay in the United Kingdom " Paul Guest
September 2007: WP354 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Labour Law, Judicial Efficiency and Informal Employment in India " Sonja Fagernäs
September 2007: WP353 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Evolution of Labour Law: Calibrating and Comparing Regulatory Regimes " Simon Deakin , Priya Lele, Mathias Siems
September 2007: WP352 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Japan's Paradoxical Response to the new 'Global Standard' in Corporate Governance " John Buchanan, Simon Deakin
September 2007: WP351 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Regulation of Women's Pay: From Individual Rights to Reflexive Law? " Simon Deakin , Colm McLaughlin
September 2007: WP350 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Legal Framework of Employment Relations " Simon Deakin , Wanjiru Njoya
September 2007: WP349 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Innovation Policy as cargo cult: Myth and Reality in knowledge-led Productivity Growth " Alan Hughes
June 2007: WP348 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Varieties of Capitalism and the Learning Firm: Corporate Governance and Labour in the Context of Contemporary Developments in European and German Company Law " Peer Zumbansen
June 2007: WP347 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Reflexive Governance and European Company Law " Simon Deakin
June 2007: WP346 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Work Intensification and Employment Insecurity in Professional Work " Sue Konzelmann , Frank Wilkinson , Roy Mankelow
June 2007: WP345 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"NHS Reforms and the Working Lives of Midwives and Physiotherapists " Frank Wilkinson , Anna Bullock , Brendan Burchell, Sue Konzelmann , Roy Maneklow
June 2007: WP344 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Legal Origin, Shareholder Protection and the Stock Market: New Challenges from Time Series Analysis " Sonja Fagernäs, Prabirjit Sarkar, Ajit Singh
June 2007: WP343 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The productivity enhancing Impacts of the Minimum Wage: Lessons from Denmark, New Zealand and Ireland " Colm McLaughlin
June 2007: WP342 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Fiscal Policy in a Stock-Flow consistent (SFC) Model: A Comment " Bill Martin
June 2007: WP341 - Abstract

"The End of Comparative Law " Mathias Siems
March 2007: WP340 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Eclipse of Private Equity " Brian Cheffins, John Armour
March 2007: WP339 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Regulating organizations through codes of corporate governance " David Seidl
December 2006: WP338 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Multinationals in their communities: A social capital approach to corporate citizenship projects " Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt , David Bek
December 2006: WP337 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"What's in a name and when does it matter? The hot and cold market impacts on underpricing of certification, reputation and conflicts of interest in venture capital backed Korean IPOs " Alan Hughes , Jaeho Lee
December 2006: WP336 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How do family ties, boards and regulation affect pay at the top? Evidence for Indian CEOs " Sonja Fagernäs
December 2006: WP335 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The stigma of failure: An international comparison of failure tolerance and second chancing " Brendan Burchell, Alan Hughes
December 2006: WP334 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"False dawn for CSR? Shifts in regulatory policy and the response of the corporate and financial sectors in Britain " Simon Deakin , Richard Hobbs
September 2006: WP333 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The costs and benefits of secured creditor control in bankruptcy: Evidence from the UK " John Armour , Audrey Hsu, Adrian Walters
September 2006: WP332 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Who writes the rules for hostile takeovers, and why? - The peculiar divergence of US and UK takeover regulations " John Armour , David A. Skeel, Jr.
September 2006: WP331 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Entrepreneurs, HRM Orientations and Environmental Fit: A UK-Japan Comparison in High Tech Manufacturing " Hugh Whittaker , Philippe Byosiere, Junpe Higuchi, Thelma Quince
September 2006: WP330 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate Governance, Crony capitalism and Economic Crisis: Should the US Business Model replace the Asian Way of 'Doing Business'? " Ajit Singh, Ann Zammit
June 2006: WP329 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Globalisation, Instability and Economic Insecturity " Ajit Singh, Sonja Fagernäs
June 2006: WP328 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Manufacturing, Services and Premature De-Industrialisation in Developing Countries: A Kaldorian Empirical Analysis " Sukti Dasgupta, Ajit Singh
June 2006: WP327 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"University Industry Linkages and UK Science and Innovation Policy " Alan Hughes
June 2006: WP326 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"'Capacitas': Contract Law and the Institutional Preconditions of a Market Economy " Simon Deakin
June 2006: WP325 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder Protection: A Leximetric Approach " Mathias Siems , Priya Lele
June 2006: WP324 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Legal diversity and regulatory competition: which model for Europe? " Simon Deakin
March 2006: WP323 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The return of the guild? Network relations in historical pespective " Simon Deakin
March 2006: WP322 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Legal origins: reconciling law and finance and comparative law " Mathias Siems
March 2006: WP321 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Legal capital: an outdated concept " John Armour
March 2006: WP320 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Should we redistribute in insolvency " John Armour
March 2006: WP319 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Domestic capabilities and global production networks in the clothing industry: a comparison of German and UK firms' strategies " Christel Lane , Jocelyn Probert
December 2005: WP318 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The comparative evolution of the employment relationship " Simon Deakin
December 2005: WP317 - Abstract

"ICT and productivity growth - the paradox resolved? " Alan Hughes , Michael S Scott Morton
December 2005: WP316 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder value maximisation, stock market and new technology: should the US corporate model be the universal standard " Ajit Singh, Jack Glen, Ann Zammitt, Rafael De Hoyos, Alaka Singh, Bruce Weisse
September 2005: WP315 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The national varieties of capitalism: the cases of Wal-mart and Ikea " Sue Konzelmann , Charles Craypo, Rabih Aridi, Frank Wilkinson
September 2005: WP314 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate governance, stake-holding and the nature of employment relations within the firm " Sue Konzelmann , Neil Conway, Linda Trenberth, Frank Wilkinson
September 2005: WP313 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Labour regulation, corporate governance and legal origina: a case of institutional complementarity? " Simon Deakin , Beth Ahlering
September 2005: WP312 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Management characteristics, collaboration and innovative efficiency: evidence from UK survey data " Andy Cosh , Xiaolan Fu, Alan Hughes
September 2005: WP311 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Will services be the new engine of economic growth in India? " Ajit Singh, Sukti Dasgupta
September 2005: WP310 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The book publishing industry in Japan and the UK: corporate philosohpy/objectives, behaviour and market structure " Dai Miyamato, Hugh Whittaker
June 2005: WP309 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Anglo-American corporate governance and the employment relationship: a case to answer? " Simon Deakin , Richard Hobbs, Sue Konzelmann , Frank Wilkinson
June 2005: WP308 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Who should make corporate law? EC legislation vs regulatory competition " John Armour
June 2005: WP307 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The revealed preferences of high technology acquirers: an analysis of the characteristics of their targets " Panayotis Dessyllas, Alan Hughes
June 2005: WP306 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Combined and Uneven Development: Reflections on the North-South Divide " Robert Rowthorn
June 2005: WP305 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"FDI, Globalisation and Economic Development - Towards Reforming National and International Rules of the Game " Ajit Singh
March 2005: WP304 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Capability Concept and the Evolution of European Social Policy " Simon Deakin
March 2005: WP303 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How do Multinationals Build Social Capital? Diageo's Corporate Citizenship Programme. " David Bek, Ian W Jones, Michael Pollitt
March 2005: WP302 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Outside Entrepreneurial Capital " Andy Cosh , Douglas Cumming, Alan Hughes
March 2005: WP301 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship " John Armour , Douglas Cumming
March 2005: WP300 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Proprietary Foundations of Corporate Law " John Armour , Michael J Whincop
March 2005: WP299 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"R&D and Patenting Activity and the Propensity to Acquire in High Technology Industries " Panayotis Dessyllas, Alan Hughes
March 2005: WP298 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Responsible ownership, shareholder value and the new shareholder activism " John Roberts , Paul Sanderson , John Hendry , Richard Barker
December 2004: WP297 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Owners, traders and providers of capital: the multiple faces of institutional investors " John Roberts , Paul Sanderson , John Hendry , Richard Barker
December 2004: WP296 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Motor vehicle recalls: trends, patterns and emerging issues " Hilary Bates, Nick Oliver , Matthias Holweg, Michael Lewis
December 2004: WP295 - Abstract
Note : A later version of this paper will be published in Omega Vol. 35, Issue 2, April 2007: 202-210. For further details please click here.

"Reflexive law, corporate social responsibility and the evolution of labour standards: the case of working time " Catherine Barnard, Simon Deakin , Richard Hobbs
December 2004: WP294 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The corporate-fund manager interface: objectives, information and valuation " John Roberts , Paul Sanderson , John Hendry , Richard Barker
September 2004: WP293 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Incentives for knowledge production with many producers " Bronwyn Hall
September 2004: WP292 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Exploring the patent explosion " Bronwyn Hall
September 2004: WP291 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"In the mirror of the market: the disciplinary effects of company/fund manager meetings " John Roberts , Paul Sanderson , John Hendry , Richard Barker
June 2004: WP290 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Reforming The Governance Of Corporate Rescue: The Enterprise Act 2002 " John Armour , Rizwaan Jameel Mokal
June 2004: WP289 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate Governance, Competition And Finance: Re-Thinking Lessons From The Asian Crisis " Jack Glen, Ajit Singh
June 2004: WP288 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Has China’s Economic Reform Improved Enterprise Performance? A DEA Evaluation Of China’s Large And Medium Enterprises " Qing Gong, Yang
June 2004: WP287 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Exports, FDI, Growth Of Small Rural Enterprises And Employment In China " Xiaolan Fu, V.N.Balasubramanyam
June 2004: WP286 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Multinationals in Developing Communities: " Ian W. Jones, Chris M. Nyland, Michael Pollitt
April 2004: WP285 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Entry, Exit and the Dynamics of Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing Industry " Qing Gong, Yang
April 2004: WP284 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Between The Global And The Local: A Comparison Of The British And German Clothing Industry " Christel Lane , Jocelyn Probert
April 2004: WP283 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Opting Out Of The 48-Hour Week – Employer Necessity Or Individual Choice? An Empirical Study Of The Operation Of Article 18(1)(B) Of The Working Time Directive In The UK " Catherine Barnard, Simon Deakin , Richard Hobbs
April 2004: WP282 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Legal Road To Replicating Silicon Valley " John Armour , Douglas Cumming
April 2004: WP281 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Impact Of Regulatory Stringency On The Foreign Direct Investment Of Global Pharmaceutical Firms " Beth Ahlering
April 2004: WP280 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Labour Standards And The “Race To The Bottom”: Rethinking Globalisation And Workers Rights From Developmental And Solidaristic Perspectives " Professor Ajit Singh
April 2004: WP279 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Exports, Technical Progress and Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing Industries " Xiaolan Fu
April 2004: WP278 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Determinants of the use of financial incentives in investment banking " David Nash
March 2003: WP256 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Globalisation, labour standards and economic development " Ajit Singh, Ann Zammitt
March 2003: WP257 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate governance, corporate finance and stock markets in emerging countries " Ajit Singh
March 2003: WP258 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Changes in corporate governance of German corporations: convergence to the Anglo-American model? " Christel Lane
March 2003: WP259 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Home-based Advantages and a Hierarchy of Location Advantages: Foreign and British-owned Firms in the London Wholesale Insurance Market " Lilach Nachum
June 2003: WP260 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Effect of Board Structure on Bidder-Shareholders' Wealth: Further Evidence from the UK Bidding Firms " Charalambos Th. Constantinou, Costas Th. Constantinou
June 2003: WP261 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Globalisation and Its Impact on Competitiveness: the Case of the British and German Pharmaceutical Industry " Christel Lane , Jocelyn Probert
June 2003: WP262 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Growth Response to Competitive Shocks: Market Structure Dynamics Under Liberalisation - the Case of India " Uma S. Kambhampati, Paul Kattuman
June 2003: WP263 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"[withdrawn] "
December : WP264 - Abstract

"Capital Structure, Rates of Return and Financing Corporate Growth: Comparing Developed and Emerging Markets, 1994-00 " Jack Glen, Ajit Singh
June 2003: WP265 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Shareholder Primacy and the Trajectory of UK Corporate Governance " John Armour , Simon Deakin , Sue Konzelmann
June 2003: WP266 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Interpreting Employment Contracts: Judges, Employers, Workers " Simon Deakin
June 2003: WP267 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Are Good Managers Required for a Separation of Ownership and Control? " Brian R Cheffins
September 2003: WP268 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Towards Governance for Uncertain Times: Joining up Public, Business and Civil Society Sectors " Dr Ken Coghill
September 2003: WP269 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Significant Feedbacks in Firm Growth and Market Structure " Paul Kattuman , Alexandru Chirmiciu
September 2003: WP270 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Entrepreneurial Orientation and Entrepreneurs' Intentions and Objectives " Thelma Quince , Hugh Whittaker
September 2003: WP271 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Beer Beneath The Froth: Preliminary findings from case studies of 25 small high technology firms " Thelma Quince , Hugh Whittaker
September 2003: WP272 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Knowledge Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Some Reflections and Implications for Policy in the Netherlands " Alan Hughes
September 2003: WP273 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Learning from Enron " Simon Deakin , Sue Konzelmann
September 2003: WP274 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Exports, FDI, Linkages and Regional Disparities in China " Xiaolan Fu
December 2003: WP275 - Abstract

"The Impact on U.K. Acquirers of Domestic, Cross-border, Public and Private Acquisitions " Robert L Conn, Andy Cosh , Paul M Guest, Alan Hughes
December 2003: WP276 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Understanding How Issues in Corporate Governance Develop: Cadbury Report to Higgs Review " Michael Pollitt , Ian Jones
December 2003: WP277 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Firm-Specific Attributes and MNE Location Choices: Financial and Professional Service FDI To New York And London " L. Nachum, C. Wymbs
March 2002: WP223 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"International Business in a World of Increasing Returns " Lilach Nachum
March 2002: WP224 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Productive Systems and the Structuring Role of Economic and Social Theories " Frank Wilkinson
March 2002: WP225 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate Ownership Structure and the Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the US and UK " John Armour , B.R. Cheffins, D.A. Skeel Jr.
March 2002: WP226 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Network Embeddedness and the Value of Complex Resources " Anastasios Karamanos
March 2002: WP227 - Abstract

"A Panel Analysis Of UK Industrial Company Failure " Natalia Isachenkova, John Hunter
March 2002: WP228 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Liability of Foreignness in Global Competition? Financial Service MNEs in the City of London " Lilach Nachum
June 2002: WP229 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Managing competences in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK " Steve Casper , Richard Whitley
June 2002: WP230 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Institutional Transplant and American Corporate Governance: The case of Ferodyn " Sue Konzelmann
June 2002: WP231 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Lean Production and Manufacturing Performance Improvement in Japan, the UK and US 1994-2001 " Nick Oliver , Rick Delbridge, Harry Barton
June 2002: WP232 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"'Meet the parents': the importance of 'pre-conception' conditions in facilitating high-technology spin-out companies " Thelma Quince
June 2002: WP233 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"High Tech Businesses in the UK: performance and niche markets " Thelma Quince , Hugh Whittaker
June 2002: WP234 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Close Encounters: Evidence of the potential benefits of proximity to local industrial clusters " Thelma Quince , Hugh Whittaker
June 2002: WP235 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"MNEs in the Digital Economy " Lilach Nachum, Srilata Zaheer
June 2002: WP236 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Theorizing Corporate Governance: New Organizational Alternatives " Simon Learmount
June 2002: WP237 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Meanings of ownership of the firm " Simon Learmount , John Roberts
June 2002: WP238 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Partnership in Practice " Sue Konzelmann , Frank Wilkinson , Maria Hudson
June 2002: WP239 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Market Networks and the Value in Knowledge Exchanges: Evidence from Biotechnology Strategic Alliances " Anastasios Karamanos
September 2002: WP240 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The trading of unlimited liability bank shares: the Bagehot Hypothesis " Charles Hickson, Simon Turner
September 2002: WP241 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Evolution for our time: a theory of legal memetics " Simon Deakin
September 2002: WP242 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Law, Innovation and Finance: A Review " John Armour
September 2002: WP243 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea " Bill Martin , Peter Sunley
September 2002: WP244 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Capital account liberalization, free long-term capital flows, financial crises and economic development " Ajit Singh
December 2002: WP245 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Competition and competition policy in emerging markets: international and developmental dimensions " Ajit Singh
December 2002: WP246 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Competition, corporate governance and selection in emerging markets " Ajit Singh
December 2002: WP247 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate profitability and the dynamics of competition in emerging markets: a time series analysis " Jack Glen, Kevin Lee, Ajit Singh
December 2002: WP248 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How do multinationals build social capital? Evidence from Mexico. " Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt , Chris Nyland
December 2002: WP249 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate governance, competition, the new international financial architecture and large corporations in emerging markets " Ajit Singh, Bruce Weisse, Alaka Singh
December 2002: WP250 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Gender pay inequity: a question for corporate social responsibility? " Jude Browne
December 2002: WP251 - Abstract

"Do takeovers create value? A residual income approach on UK data " Magnus Bild, Paul Guest, Andy Cosh , Mikael Runsten
December 2002: WP252 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Capabilities, social rights and European market integration " Jude Browne , Simon Deakin , Frank Wilkinson
December 2002: WP253 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Implicit contracts, takeovers and corporate governance: in the shadow of the city code " Simon Deakin , Richard Hobbs, David Nash, Giles Slinger
December 2002: WP254 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Lessons from the rise of the US limited liability partnership " Kern Alexander
December 2002: WP255 - Abstract

"The Macroeconomic Environment and the Size Pattern of Business Firms " Fabrizio Trau
March 2001: WP192 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Crisis and innovation in Japan: a new future through techno-entrepreneurship? " Hugh Whittaker
March 2001: WP193 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Why Do Business Service Firms Cluster? Small Consultancies, Clustering and Decentralisation in London and Southern England " David Keeble, Lilach Nachum
March 2001: WP194 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"External networks and geographic clustering as sources of MNE advantages: Foreign and indigenous professional service firms in Central London " Lilach Nachum, David Keeble
March 2001: WP195 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Enhancing Corporate Governance for Financial Institutions: The Role of International Standards " Kern Alexander, Rahul Dhumale
March 2001: WP196 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Law and Economics of Corporate Insolvency: A Review " John Armour
March 2001: WP197 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Corporate Governance, The Limits of Rationality and Proceduralisation " Paterson J
June 2001: WP198 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : A later version of this paper was subsequently published in French as a book chapter. The details are: (Paterson.J.), "'Corporate governance', les limites de la rationalité et la procéduralisation," in Procéduralisation du droit et régulation démocratique, pp.365-409, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2000. Philippe Coppens & Jacques Lenoble eds.

"The Limits of Statutory Trade Union Recognition " Brown, W, Hudson, M, Simon Deakin , Pratten, C
June 2001: WP199 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Partnership, Ownership and Control: The Impact of Corporate Governance on Employment Relations " Simon Deakin , R. Hobbs, Sue Konzelmann , Frank Wilkinson
June 2001: WP200 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Theory and Practice of Wage Subsidisation: Some Historical Reflections " Frank Wilkinson
June 2001: WP201 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Taking Risks in the Geographical Anatomy of Europe's Emerging Venture Capital Market " Bill Martin , P.Sunley, Simon Turner
June 2001: WP202 - Abstract

"The Contract of Employment: A Study in Legal Evolution " Simon Deakin
June 2001: WP203 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Insolvency, Employment Protection and Corporate Restructuring: The effects of TUPE " John Armour , Simon Deakin
June 2001: WP204 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Mutuality and Corporate Governance: The Evolution of UK Building Societies Following Deregulation " J.Cook, Simon Deakin , Alan Hughes
June 2001: WP205 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Collective Employee Representation and the Impact of Law: Initial Response to the Employment Relations Act 1999. " S Oxenbridge, Simon Deakin , W Brown, C Pratten
September 2001: WP206 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Entrepreneurial Collaboration: Terms of Endearment or Rules of Engagement? " Thelma Quince
September 2001: WP207 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"On The Determinants of Industrial Firm Failure in the Uk and Russia in the 1990's " J Hunter, N Isachencova
September 2001: WP208 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Understanding the Relationship Between Manufacturing Strategy and Competitiveness: Towards a Dynamic Approach " S Jayanthi
September 2001: WP209 - Abstract

"Changing Use of External Business Advice and Government Supports by SME's in the 1990's " R Bennett, P Robson
September 2001: WP210 - Abstract

"A Uniform Choice of Law Rule for the Taking of Collateral Interests in Securities: Using Private Law Approaches to Reduce Credit and Legal Risk in Financial Systems. " K Alexander
September 2001: WP211 - Abstract

"Markets, Competition, Cooperation and Innovation. " Mike Kitson , J Michie, M Quinn
September 2001: WP212 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Management of Pay as the Influence of Collective Bargaining " W Brown, P Marginson, J Welsh
September 2001: WP213 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Long-Run Share Performance of UK Firms Engaging in Cross-Border Acquisitions " C Conn, Andy Cosh , P Guest, Alan Hughes
September 2001: WP214 - Abstract
Note : This working paper has been replaced by Working Paper No. 276 (Dec 2003)

"The Long-Run Performance of Hostile Takeovers: UK Evidence " Andy Cosh , P Guest
September 2001: WP215 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Managerial Discretion and Takeover Performance " Andy Cosh , P Guest, Alan Hughes
September 2001: WP216 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How Banks Construct and Manage Risk: A Sociological Study of Small Firm Lending in Britain and Germany " Christel Lane , S Quack
September 2001: WP217 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"University and Technology: Science and Technology Parks in the Cambridge Region " D Keeble
December 2001: WP218 - Abstract

"Income Inequality in Advanced Economies: A Critical Examination of the Trade and Technology Theories and an Alternative Perspective " A Singh
December 2001: WP219 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"How do Multinationals Build Social Capital? Evidence from South Africa. " I Jones, C.M Nyland, Michael Pollitt
December 2001: WP220 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Who Influences Debates in Business Ethics? An Investigation into the Development of Corporate Governance in the UK since 1990. " I Jones, Michael Pollitt
December 2001: WP221 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Insider Dealing and Market Abuse: The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 " K. Alexander
December 2001: WP222 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Role of the Basle Standards in International Banking Supervision " Kern Alexander
March 2000: WP153 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Foreign and Indigenous Firms in the Media Cluster of Central London " Lilach Nachum, David Keeble
March 2000: WP154 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"CEO Pay, Shareholder Returns and Accounting Profitability " Fred Guy
March 2000: WP155 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Rise and Fall of the Size of Firms " Fabrizio Traù
March 2000: WP156 - Abstract

"Regulation, Power and Scale: 'Reworking' Capital-Labour Relations in German SMEs " Christian Berndt
March 2000: WP157 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Sources of Increasing Returns and Regional Innovation in the UK " Suma Athreye, David Keeble
March 2000: WP158 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Rethinking Receivership " John Armour , Sandra Frisby
March 2000: WP159 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Trade Union Organising Among Low-Wage Service Workers: Lessons from America and New Zealand " Sarah Oxenbridge
March 2000: WP160 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Citizenship, Public Service, and the Employment Relationship " Simon Deakin , Mark Freedland
March 2000: WP161 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Contested Meaning of Labour Market Flexibility: Economic Theory and the Discourse of European Integration " Simon Deakin , Hannah Reed
March 2000: WP162 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Regulatory Competition Versus Harmonisation in European Company Law " Simon Deakin
March 2000: WP163 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Political Economy of Full Employment in Modern Britain " Robert Rowthorn
March 2000: WP164 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Capital Adequacy Standards: Are They Sufficient? " Rahul Dhumale
June 2000: WP165 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Public Markets, Private Orderings and Corporate Governance " Ugo Pagano
June 2000: WP166 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Business Advice: The Influence of Distance " Robert Bennett, William Bratton, Paul Robson
June 2000: WP167 - Abstract

"The Role of Soft Law in the Legalization of International Banking Supervision: A Conceptual Approach " Kern Alexander
June 2000: WP168 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"World Market Shares of Advertising TNCs: Intangible Comparative Advantage? " Lilach Nachum
June 2000: WP169 - Abstract

"An Incentive Based Regulatory System: A Bridge Too Far " Rahul Dhumale
June 2000: WP170 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Employment Contract: From Collective Procedures To Individual Rights " William Brown, Simon Deakin , David Nash, Sarah Oxenbridge
September 2000: WP171 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Does Law Matter?: The Separation Of Ownership And Control In The United Kingdom " Brian Cheffins
September 2000: WP172 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Norms In Private Insolvency Procedures: The 'London Approach' To The Resolution Of Financial Distress " John Armour , Simon Deakin
September 2000: WP173 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Capabilities, Spontaneous Order, And Social Rights " Simon Deakin , Frank Wilkinson
September 2000: WP174 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Exit, Voice, And Loyalty In The Industrial District: The Case Of Prato " Gabi Dei Ottati
September 2000: WP175 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Challenges For The Next Decade: Notes On The Debate On The Development Of The Emilia-Romagna Region " Margherita Russo, Giorgio Allari, Silvano Bertini, Paolo Bonaretti, Elio De Leo, Giuseppe Fiorani, Gianni Rinaldini
September 2000: WP176 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Legalization Of The International Anti-Money Laundering Regime: The Role Of The Financial Action Task Force " Kern Alexander
September 2000: WP177 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Putting Partnership Into Practice In Britain " William Brown
September 2000: WP178 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Emu Versus The Regions? Regional Convergence And Divergence In Euroland " Bill Martin
September 2000: WP179 - Abstract

"On Enlarging Employment By Promoting Small Enterprises " Alan Hughes
September 2000: WP180 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Small Business Service: Business Support, Use, Fees And Satisfaction: Econometric Estimates " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson
September 2000: WP181 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Government Advice Networks For Smes: An Assessment Of The Influence Of Local Context On Business Link Use, Impact And Satisfaction " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson, William Bratton
September 2000: WP182 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Creating New Local Industry Through Inter-Organizational Collaboration: A Japanese Case " Yushi Inaba
September 2000: WP183 - Abstract

"Human Resource Management And Business Objectives And Strategies In Small And Medium Sized Business " Frank Wilkinson
September 2000: WP184 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Knowledge, Economic Growth And The Role Of Policy On The Role Of "Public-Private Partnerships" In The New "Knowledge-Driven" Economy " Stephanie Blankenburg
September 2000: WP185 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"An Empirical Investigation of the Terms of Corporate Charters and Influences on Term Standardization in a Laissez-Faire Environment " Michael Whincop
December 2000: WP186 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Creative Work Systems in Destructive Markets " Sue Konzelmann , Robert Forrant
December 2000: WP187 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Relationship Between Training and Employment Growth in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Melvyn Weeks
December 2000: WP188 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Professions Between State and Market: A Cross-National Study of Convergence and Divergence " Christel Lane , Margaret Potton, Wolfgang Littek
December 2000: WP189 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Influence of Location on the Use by SMEs of External Advice and Collaboration: Detailed Econometric Estimates " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson, William Bratton
December 2000: WP190 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Many Futures of the Contract of Employment " Simon Deakin
December 2000: WP191 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Institutional Restructuring in the Japanese Economy 1985-1996 " Kazuyoshi Matsuura, Michael Pollitt , Ryoji Takada, Satoru Tanaka
March 1999: WP115 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Can Domestic Liabilities Explain the Home Bias in UK Investment Portfolios? " David Chaundy
March 1999: WP116 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Post-War Institutional Shocks: The Divergence of Italian and Japanese Corporate Governance Models " Fabrizio Barca, Katsuhito Iwai, Ugo Pagano, Sandro Trento
March 1999: WP117 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Origin of Organizational Species " Ugo Pagano
March 1999: WP118 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"A Marshallian Approach to the Eclectic Paradigm of Foreign Investment: The Clustering of Film TNCS in Central London " Lilach Nachum, David Keeble
March 1999: WP119 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Measuring the Productivity of Professional Services: A Case Study of Swedish Management Consulting Firms " Lilach Nachum
March 1999: WP120 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Putting Values into Action in Business: A Study of the Development of an 'Integrity' Value at Smithkline Beecham " Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt
March 1999: WP121 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"What is the Accommodating Item in the Balance of Payments? " David Chaundy
March 1999: WP122 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Market for External Business Advice Services in Britain " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson
March 1999: WP123 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Evaluating the Impact of Business Service Expertise and Business Links on the Performance of SMEs in England " John Bryson, David Ingram, Peter Daniels
March 1999: WP124 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Entrepreneurs as Co-Operative Capitalists: High Tech CEOs in the UK " Hugh Whittaker
March 1999: WP125 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Earnings Distribution, Corporate Governance and CEO Pay " Frederick Guy
June 1999: WP126 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Competitiveness Policy and Economic Organisation: The Case of the British Film Industry " Simon Deakin , Stephen Pratten
June 1999: WP127 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"FDI, the Location Advantages of Countries and the Competitiveness of TNCs: US FDI in Professional Service Industries " Lilach Nachum
June 1999: WP128 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Trust, Power and Control in Trans-Organizational Relations " Reinhard Bachmann
June 1999: WP129 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Why are UK Banks' Overseas Assets and Liabilities So Large? " David Chaundy
June 1999: WP130 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Determinants of Firm Innovative Behaviour: The Roles of Rivalry and Persistence " Suma Athreye
June 1999: WP131 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Transcending the Flexibility Debate? Deregulation and Employment in Britain 1979-1997 " Simon Deakin , Hannah Reed
June 1999: WP132 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Economic Efficiency and the Proceduralisation of Company Law " Simon Deakin , Alan Hughes
June 1999: WP133 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Reinventing the Market? Competition and Regulatory Change in Broadcasting " Simon Deakin , Stephen Pratten
June 1999: WP134 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledge S Deakin & S Pratten. Journal of Law Society, Vol 26, pp323-350.

"Can We Measure and Communicate the Benefits of Work-Life Policies more Effectively " Fiona Scheibl
September 1999: WP135 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Changing Midwifery: Working Conditions and the Quality of Care " David Ladipo, Hannah Reed, Frank Wilkinson
September 1999: WP136 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Fragility of Functional Work Systems in American Steel " W Barnes, Sue Konzelmann
September 1999: WP137 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Neo-Marshallian Nodes, Global Networks and Firm Competitiveness: The Media Cluster of Central London " David Keeble, Lilach Nachum
September 1999: WP138 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Automatic Certification or Mandatory Representation Votes? How the Choice of Union Recognition Procedure Affects Union Certification Success " S Johnson
September 1999: WP139 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Rerthinking Innovation Comparisons between Manufacturing and Services: The Experience of the CBR SME Surveys in the UK " Alan Hughes , Eric Wood
September 1999: WP140 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Learning New Productivity Criteria in Transition Economies: Evidence from 450 CIS Companies " K Liuhto
September 1999: WP141 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Intensity of Interaction in Suppy of Business Advice and Client Impact: A Comparison of Consultancy, Business Associations and Government Support Initiatives for SMEs " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson
September 1999: WP142 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Use and Impact of Business Advice by SMEs in Britain: An Empirical Assessment Using Logit and Ordered Logit Models " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson
September 1999: WP143 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Foreign Direct Investment and Enterprise Performance in Transition Countries: Evidence from Russia and Ukraine " Valentijn Bilsen, P Van Maldegem
September 1999: WP144 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Company Law as an Instrument of Inclusion: Re-regulating Stakeholder Relations in the Context of Takeovers " Simon Deakin , Giles Slinger
September 1999: WP145 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Transformation of the Soviet Enterprise and its Management: A Literature Review " K Liuhto
September 1999: WP146 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Innovation, Investment and International Trade Performance of Russian Enterprises: A Study of St. Petersburg-Based Companies " Vadim Kapustkin
December 1999: WP147 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Share Capital and Creditor Protection: Efficient Rules for a Modern Company Law? " John Armour
December 1999: WP148 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Impact of Home Countries on the Competitiveness of Advertising TNCs " Lilach Nachum
December 1999: WP149 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Financing Firm Start-up and Restructuring in Transition Countries: Evidence from Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia " Valentijn Bilsen, Elena Mitina
December 1999: WP150 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Development of Ethical Issues Facing Boards of Directors: A Model with Implications " Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt
December 1999: WP151 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Systemic Risk in International Settlements " Rahul Dhumale
December 1999: WP152 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Management Consultancy in Europe " David Keeble, Joachim Schwalbach
February 1995: WP01 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Seedcorn or Chaff? Unemployment and Small Firm Performance " Mike Kitson
February 1995: WP02 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Employment in the United Kingdom: Trends and Prospects " Ken Coutts, Bob Rowthorn
February 1995: WP03 - Abstract

"Enterprising Behaviour and the Urban-Rural Shift " David Keeble, Peter Tyler
February 1995: WP04 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Risk, Trust and Power: The Social Constitution of Supplier Relations in Britain and Germany " Christel Lane , Reinhard Bachmann
February 1995: WP05 - Abstract

"Growth-oriented SMEs in Unfavourable Regional Environments " Peter Vaessen, David Keeble
February 1995: WP06 - Abstract

"Capital Formation and Unemployment " Robert Rowthorn
May 1995: WP07 - Abstract

"On the Size Distribution of Establishments of Large Enterprises: an Analysis for UK Manufacturing " Paul Kattuman
May 1995: WP08 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"A Simulation Model of North-South Trade " Robert Rowthorn
May 1995: WP09 - Abstract

"Contracts, Cooperation and Trust: The Role of the Institutional Framework " Simon Deakin , Frank Wilkinson
September 1995: WP10 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Korea at the Cross-Roads " Robert Rowthorn
September 1995: WP11 - Abstract

"Manufacturing, the Balance of Payments and Capacity " Andy Cosh , Ken Coutts, Alan Hughes
September 1995: WP12 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Role of Manufacturing in the National Economy " Robert Rowthorn
September 1995: WP13 - Abstract

"Britain's Industrial Performance since 1960: Underinvestment and Relative Decline " Mike Kitson , Jonathan Michie
September 1995: WP14 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Competitive Selection of Democratic Firms in a World of Self- Sustaining Institutions " Ugo Pagano, Robert Rowthorn
September 1995: WP15 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Tacit Knowledge and Technology Transfer " Jeremy Howells
September 1995: WP16 - Abstract

"Economic Growth as an Evolutionary Process " Matthias Kelm
September 1995: WP17 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Failures, Acquisitions and Post Merger Success: The ComparativeFinancial Characteristics of Large and Small Companies " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes
September 1995: WP18 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Executive Remuneration, Executive Dismissal and Institutional Shareholdings " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes
September 1995: WP19 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Communities of Competitors: Open Price Associations and the American State, 1911-1929 " Gerald Berk
November 1995: WP20 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Vertical Inter-Firm Relations in Britain and Germany: The Role of Trade Associations and Legal Regulation " Christel Lane , Reinhard Bachmann
December 1995 : WP21 - Abstract

"Economics, Ethics and Unfair Competition " Ian Jones, Michael Pollitt
December 1995 : WP22 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Business Services, the Management of Change and Regional Development in the UK: A Corporate Client Perspective " Peter Wood
December 1995 : WP23 - Abstract

"Joint Ventures and Economic Reform in China: A Case Study of the Coca-Cola Business System, with Particular Reference to the Tianjin Coca- Cola Plant. " Peter Nolan
December 1995 : WP24 - Abstract

"Financing the Industrial Cooperatives of the Mondragon Group " Melissa Moye
March 1996: WP25 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Why do Firms Grow? " Fabrizio Trau
March 1996: WP26 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The European Dynamics of Computer Services " Jeremy Howells
March 1996: WP27 - Abstract
Note : Published in Birgitte Andersen, Jeremy Howells, Richard Hull, Ian Miles and Joanne Roberts (eds), Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp 121-41

"The Remarkable Resilience of the Industrial Districts of Tuscany " Gabbi Dei Ottati
March 1996: WP28 - Abstract

"Insurance Markets and Long-Run Equilibrium with Systemic Risks: The Case of the US Federal Crop Insurance Programme " John Duncan
March 1996: WP29 - Abstract

"Takeovers, Institutional Investment and the Persistence of Profits " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Kevin Lee, Ajit Singh
March 1996: WP30 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledgement - Begg, I & Henry, B (eds). (1998) Applied Economics & Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics Occasional Paper No.63, Cambridge University Press, pp.107-144,

"Common Supply, Collusion and Entry Deterrence " Robert Evans
March 1996: WP31 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Semi-Parametric Estimation of the Company Growth-Size Relation " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Hyehoon Lee, Stephen Pudney
March 1996: WP32 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledgement - Begg, I & Henry, B (eds). (1998) Applied Economics & Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics Occasional Paper No.63, Cambridge University Press, pp.145-180,

"An Economic System of Technology-Related Acquisitions and Spin-Offs " Asa Lindholm
August 1996: WP33 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Schumpeter's Theory of Economic Evolution: A Darwinian Interpretation " Matthias Kelm
August 1996: WP34 - Abstract

"Trust, Business Relationships and The Contractual Environment " Frank Wilkinson , Brendan Burchell
August 1996: WP35 - Abstract
Note : A later version of this paper has been published in the Cambridge Journal of Economics 2: 217-237. For further details please click here.

"Contract Law, Social Norms and Inter-Firm Cooperation " Alessandro Arrighetti, Reinhard Bachmann, Simon Deakin
August 1996: WP36 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Fiscal and Distributional Implications of Job Generation " Jonathan Michie, Mike Kitson , Holly Sutherland
September 1996: WP37 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Unemployment, Wage Bargaining and Capital-Labour Substitution " Robert Rowthorn
September 1996: WP38 - Abstract

"The Role of Technical Standards in the Social Regulation of Supplier Relations in Britain and Germany " Christel Lane
September 1996: WP39 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Economic Consequences of Innovations in Italian Manufacturing Firms: Theory and Results from the Community Innovation Survey " Sergio Cesaratto, Antonella Stirati
September 1996: WP40 - Abstract

"Competition and Competitive Advantage " Jonathan Michie, Renee Prendergast
September 1996: WP41 - Abstract

"Small Firms, Innovation and Regional Development in Britain in the 1990s " David Keeble
September 1996: WP42 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Economic Functioning, Self Sufficiency and Full Employment " Roger Tarling, Frank Wilkinson
September 1996: WP43 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Slow Convergence? Post-Neoclassical Endogenous Growth Theory and Regional Development " Bill Martin , Peter Sunley
December 1996 : WP44 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Inflation, Economic Performance and Employment Rights " Simon Deakin , Keith Ewing
December 1996 : WP45 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Evolutionary and `New' Institutional Economics: Some Implications for Industrial Policy " Matthias Kelm
December 1996 : WP46 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Acquisition and Growth of Technology-Based Firms " Asa Lindholm
December 1996: WP47 - Abstract

"Innovation in UK SMEs: Causes and the Consequences for Firm Failure and Acquisition " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Eric Wood
December 1996: WP48 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledgement - Carlsson, B & Karlsson, C. (eds) (1999), Entrepreneurship SMEs and the Macro Economy, Cambridge University Press,

"The Changing Anatomy of Corporate Control and the Market for Executives in the UK " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes
December 1996: WP49 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Published:- A Cosh & A Hughes. Journal of Law & Society, Vol 24, No1 March, pp104-123

"Downsizing Company Strategies and Executive Pay in Germany " Joachim Schwalbach, Ulrike Grasshoff
March 1997: WP50 - Abstract

"Industrial Structure and Training Needs in the Knitwear and Clothing Sectors in Italy " Sebastiano Brusco, Daniela Bigarelli
March 1997: WP51 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Technological Competitiveness in an International Arena " Jeremy Howells, Jonathan Michie
March 1997: WP52 - Abstract

"Internationalisation Processes, Networking and Local Embeddedness in Technology-Intensive Small Firms " David Keeble, Clive Lawson, Helen Lawton Smith, Barry Moore, Frank Wilkinson
March 1997: WP53 - Abstract

"Territorial Clustering and High Technology Innovation: From Industrial Districts to Innovative Milieux " Clive Lawson
March 1997: WP54 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Retail Distribution Channel Barriers to International Trade " F.M. Scherer
June 1997: WP55 - Abstract

"Hostile Takeovers, Corporate Law and the Theory of the Firm " Simon Deakin , Giles Slinger
June 1997: WP56 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Replicating the Experience of the New Industrialising Economies on a Large Scale " Robert Rowthorn
June 1997: WP57 - Abstract

"Divisions of Labour, Power Asymmetries and Place Dependence:The Restructuring ofIndustrial Mittelstand Firms in the Ruhr Area " Christian Berndt
June 1997: WP58 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Enterpreneurship, Geographic Spillovers and University Research: A Spatial Econometric Approach " Zoltan Acs, Luc Anselin, Attila Varga
June 1997: WP59 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Innovation and Performance of SMEs in Italy: The Relevance of Spatial Aspects " Roberto Camagni, Roberta Cappello
June 1997: WP60 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Impact of European Economic Integration on Business Associations: The UK Case " Robert Bennett
June 1997: WP61 - Abstract

"Business Service Firms, Service Space and the Management of Change " John Bryson
June 1997: WP62 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Wage Costs of a National Statutory Minimum Wage in Britain " Paul Robson, Shirley Dex, Frank Wilkinson
September 1997: WP63 - Abstract

"Needs and Wants: The Case of Broadcasting " Stephen Pratten
September 1997: WP64 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Inter-Firm Links Between Regionally Clustered High-Technology SMEs: A Comparison of Cambridge and Oxford Innovation Networks " Clive Lawson, Barry Moore,, David Keeble, Helen Lawton Smith, Frank Wilkinson
September 1997: WP65 - Abstract

"Expenditure, Outcome and Nature of Innovation in Italy " Daniele Archibugi, Rinaldo Evangelista, Giulio Perani, Fabio Rapiti
September 1997: WP66 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Technological Convergence, Globalisation and Ownership in the UK Computer Industry " Suma Athreye, David Keeble
September 1997: WP67 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Unemployment Flow Regimes and Regional Unemployment Disparities " Bill Martin , Peter Sunley
September 1997: WP68 - Abstract

"'Barriers' to Technology Transfer: Local Impediments in Oxfordshire " Helen Lawton Smith
September 1997: WP69 - Abstract

"Leveraging Resources Under Threat of Opportunism: Predicting Networking in International Growth " Erkko Autio, Helena Yli-Renko, Harry Sapienza
September 1997: WP70 - Abstract

"Small Firms and Employment " Alan Hughes
September 1997: WP71 - Abstract

"SME Innovator Types and their Determinants " Eric Wood
September 1997: WP72 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Innovation in the Service Sector: Results from the Italian Statistical Survey " Rinaldo Evangelista, Giorgio Sirilli
December 1997 : WP73 - Abstract

"Parenting and Labour Force Participation: The Case for a Ministry of the Family " Shirley Dex, Robert Rowthorn
December 1997 : WP74 - Abstract

"The Policy Implications of the Globalisation of Innovation " Daniele Archibugi, Simona Iammarino
December 1997 : WP75 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Industrial Concentration Under Shock Therapy: Poland in Early Transition Years " Paul Kattuman , Ryszard Domanski
December 1997 : WP76 - Abstract

"Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 1985-1994: The Impact on Domestic Management Practice " John Child, David Faulkner, Robert Pitkethly
December 1997 : WP77 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The Theory and Practice of Contracting " Simon Deakin , Jonathan Michie
December 1997 : WP78 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Cooperation and Trust in Inter-Firm Relations: Beyond Competition Policy? " Simon Deakin , Tom Goodwin, Alan Hughes
December 1997 : WP79 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Inter-Firm Cooperation, Competition Law and Patent Licensing: A US-EC Comparison " Alan Gutterman
December 1997 : WP80 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"Towards a Competence Theory of the Region " Clive Lawson
December 1997 : WP81a - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The International Supervisory Framework for Financial Services: An Emerging International Legal Regime " Kern Alexander
December 1997 : WP81b - Abstract

"Opportunism and the Advantage of Organisations " Matthias Kelm
March 1998: WP82 - Abstract
Note : Hard Copy Only

"On Markets in Knowledge " Suma Athreye
March 1998: WP83 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Markets, Competition and Innovation " Mike Kitson , Jonathan Michie
March 1998: WP84 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Co-operation, the Organisation of Work and Competitiveness " Frank Wilkinson
March 1998: WP85 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Collective Learning Processes and Inter-Firm Networking in Innovative High-Technology Regions " David Keeble, Clive Lawson, Helen Lawton Smith, Barry Moore, Frank Wilkinson
March 1998: WP86 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Low Pay in Europe and the USA " Paul Robson, Shirley Dex, Frank Wilkinson
June 1998: WP87 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledgement: Reproduced by Permission of Sage Publications, London & New Delhi. Low Pay in Europe & the USA, by Shirley Dex, Paul Robson & Frank Wilkinson from European Journal of Industrial Relations Vol 5, #2, pp 187-207, 1998 Sage Publications.( & Work, Employment & Society ( The Characteristics of the low paid: a cross-national comparison by Shirley Dex, Paul Robson & Frank Wilkinson in Work, Employment & Society, Vol 13, #3, pp503-524, 1998 Sage Publications.
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"The Unequal Distribution of Job Insecurity, 1966-1986 " Brendan Burchell
June 1998: WP88 - Abstract
Note : A later version of this paper has been published in the International Review of Applied Economics 13: 439-460. For further details please click here.

"Innovation Surveys and Very Small Enterprises " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Eric Wood
June 1998: WP89 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Longitudinal Aspects of Innovation Surveys: The CBR Experience " Andy Cosh , Alan Hughes , Eric Wood
June 1998: WP90 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Low Pay and Social Exclusion: A Cross-National Comparison " Paul Robson, Shirley Dex, Frank Wilkinson
June 1998: WP91 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper
Note : Acknowledgement: Reproduced by Permission of Sage Publications, London & New Delhi. Low Pay in Europe & the USA, by Shirley Dex, Paul Robson & Frank Wilkinson from European Journal of Industrial Relations Vol 5, #2, pp 187-207, 1998 Sage Publications.( & Work, Employment & Society ( The Characteristics of the low paid: a cross-national comparison by Shirley Dex, Paul Robson & Frank Wilkinson in Work, Employment & Society, Vol 13, #3, pp503-524, 1998 Sage Publications.
Copyright agreement - All material included in the PDF file below is the exclusive property of SAGE Publications, or its licensors, and is protected by Copyright & other intellectual property laws. The download of the file(s) is intended for the Users personal & noncommercial use. Any other use of the download of the work is strictly prohibited. User may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works (including coursepacks) from, distribute, perform, display or in any way exploit any of the content of the file(s) in whole or in part. Permission may be sought for further use from Sage Publications Ltd, Rights & Permissions Department, 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London, EC1Y 1SP, fax +44 020 7324 8600. By downloading the file(s) the User acknowledges & agrees to these terms.

"Labour Law and Economic Theory: A Reappraisal " Simon Deakin , Frank Wilkinson
June 1998: WP92 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Juridification and Labour Law: A Legal Response to the Flexibility Debate in Australia " Richard Mitchell
June 1998: WP93 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"De-Industrialization: The Case of Iceland " Ingolfur Bender, Robert Rowthorn
June 1998: WP94 - Abstract
Note : Published in Gerrit de Geest, Jacques Siegers and Roger Van den Bergh (eds), Law and Economics and the Labour Market, Chapter 1, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp 1-33

"Industrial Change and Regional Development: The Case of the US Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries " Mia Gray, Eric Parker
June 1998: WP95 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Local Industrial Development and Dynamics: The East Anglian Case " David Keeble
June 1998: WP96 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Employment Growth, Structural Change and Capital Accumulation " Andrew Glyn
June 1998: WP97 - Abstract
Note : in Thjis ten Raa and Ronald Schettkat (eds), The Growth of Service Industries: The Paradox of Exploding Costs and Persistent Demand, Chapter 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp 45-66

"Corporate Germany at the Crossroads? Americanisation, Competitiveness and Place Dependence " Christian Berndt
June 1998: WP98 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"The National Origin of the Ownership Advantages of Firms " Lilach Nachum, Jean Rolle
September 1998: WP99 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Performance Standards in Supplier Relations: Relational Contracts, Organisational Processes and the Institutional Environment " Simon Deakin , Christel Lane , Frank Wilkinson
September 1998: WP100 - Abstract

"Quasi-Markets, Transaction Costs and Trust: Institutional Change in Broadcasting " Simon Deakin , Stephen Pratten
September 1998: WP101 - Abstract

"University-Industry Relations, Innovation and Power: A Theoretical Framework for the Study of Technology Transfer from the Science Base " Stephanie Blankenburg
September 1998: WP102 - Abstract

"UK FDI and the Comparative Advantage of the UK " Lilach Nachum, John Dunning, Geferri Jones
September 1998: WP103 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Individualisation and Union Recognition in Britain in the 1990s " William Brown
September 1998: WP104 - Abstract
Note : Available in Hard Copy Only.

"Organisational Change, Labour Flexibility and the Contract of Employment " Simon Deakin
September 1998: WP105 - Abstract
Note : Prior publication in: R.Mitchell and S Deery (eds) Employment Relations Individualisation & Union Exclusion. An International Study (Annandale, NSW: Federation Press, 1999), 130-152 ISBN 1862873445.

"Would more Family-Friendly Working Arrangements Benefit Business and Families? " Fiona Scheibl, Shirley Dex
September 1998: WP106 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Growth Constraints on Small and Medium Sized Firms " Alan Hughes
September 1998: WP107 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Rates of Return on Investment: A Cross National Comparison " Dennis Mueller, B. Burcin Yurtoglu
December 1998 : WP108 - Abstract
Note : A later version of this paper has been published in the German Economic Review Vol. 1 Issue 2: p187, May 2000. For further details please click here.

"The Causes of Mergers: Tests Based on the Gains to Acquiring Firms' Shareholders and the Size of Premia " Dennis Mueller, Mark Sirower
December 1998 : WP109 - Abstract

"The Labour Market, the Minimum Wage and the Low Pay Commission Report " Sanjiv Sachdev, Frank Wilkinson
December 1998 : WP110 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Spanning the Gap: The Theoretical Principles that Connect Stakeholder Policies to Business Performance " Giles Slinger
December 1998 : WP111 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Modelling the Innovation Implementation Process in the Context of High-Technology Manufacturing: An Innovation Diffusion Perspective " Shekhar Jayanthi
December 1998 : WP112 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper

"Marriage and Trust: Some Lessons from Business Organisation " Robert Rowthorn
December 1998 : WP113 - Abstract

"Economic Geography and Patterns of International Business Activity " Lilach Nachum
December 1998 : WP114 - Abstract Download CBR Working Paper